Standing In Faith - Restoration & Re-entry
Assisting Others With Love and Compassion
Assisting Others With Love and Compassion
Our dedication to help the less fortunate, underserved, hopeless, misplaced, misunderstood and those that find themselves in a untenable position.
SIFM Headquarters is a Resource For:
SIFM Headquarters is a Resource For:
- In-House Computer and Resume Training
- Connecting for Job Training
- Connecting With Halfway Houses
- Connecting With Transitional Housing
- Connecting to Food Pantries
- Connecting With WorkSource Solutions
- Connecting for Life Skills Training
- Connecting to Jobs
- Assistance With Clothing
If you have resources for someone who is being released from prison or someone who is transitioning from a homeless state, please email your contact information and description of what resources you have available to
SIFFR's Annual Fall Campaign
SIFFR's Annual Fall Campaign
SIFRR's Prison Outreach & Empowerments
SIFRR's Prison Outreach & Empowerments
Care Packet Donations
These packets are meant to serve as an Encouragement and reminder to the Overcomers(Inmates) that they are NOT alone or forgotten!
The CarePackets Consist Of:
- AIM Toothpaste
- Arm & Hammer Deodorant
- Irish Spring Soap
Please feel free to make a donation online or mail your donation to Standing In Faith Restoration & Re-Entry, P.O. Box 91483, Houston, TX 77291-1483 and we will purchase the items. Any quantity or donation is appreciated.
Community Outreach at Caraday
of Houston Nursing Home
May 8, 2023
September 17, 2022 - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Community Restoration & Re-entry Seminar
This Seminar will focus on Resources to help your loved ones when they return home from prison or a homeless state. Don't miss it!
Community Outreach - Ending 2022 Strong
Community Outreach - Ending 2022 Strong
2022 Community and Restoration ​Empowerment​
2022 Community and Restoration ​Empowerment​